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General info's

Spanish characteristics:
In contrast to the UK, the Spanish number plate remains the same from the date of the first registration until the final deregistration (scrapping), i.e. it is not changed in the case of a place of residence or change of holder. You can't choose the license plate in Spain. Since the introduction of the "new" number plates (in 2001), the regional origin of the respective vehicle owner is no longer recognizable.

Spanish car papers:
After a vehicle has been reregistered in Spain, you will also receive Spanish car registration papers (Ficha tecnica and Permiso de circulacion). In Spain, both documents must be carried in original, the proof of insurance and the driving license!!!
The original car documenmts are confiscated and remain in Spain.
You will receive the Ficha técnica and the Permiso de circulacion

View of a Ficha técnica
view of a Permiso de circulacion

Registration tax: (Impuesto de matriculacion)
has been based on the CO2 values of the vehicle
since January 2008 (measured in g/km).


 NEW CO2 - values (cars)
  Tax rate
  till 120 g/km =  0,00%
  120 - 159 g/km =  4,75%
  160 - 199 g/km =  9,75%
  over 200 g/km = 16,00%
  before 1.1.1997* = 12,00%

*Vehicles registered before January 1, 1997 pay a uniform 12% tax.

The above tax rate applies only to the Comunidad Valencia (Alicante, Valencia and Castellon). Other Spanish Counties have different tax rates.

CO2 values (in g/km)
are in the vehicle registration certificate (approximately from the year 2005) under the number "V.7" or in the EU - certificate of conformity under the number 46.2 (= combined value).
The basis of assessment is the current value of the vehicle. This is calculated from the new value, minus an annual loss in value.

 * The new value of most cars and off-road vehicles appears every December in the "BOE" (Boletin oficial del estado) under: www.boe.es

* Vehicles registered after 1997 and whose CO2 values cannot be proven are taxed at 16%

* Cars and trucks used for commercial purposes are exempt from registration tax.


Car tax: (Impuesto sobre Vehiculos de Traccion Mecanica = IVTM)
is a municipal tax and is based on the "tax performance" (cvf= caballos de vapor fiscales) of a vehicle. In the province of Alicante, the car tax is to be paid to the company SUMA.
The municipalities of Alcalali, Benidorm and Orba are among the municipalities with the lowest car tax rates, the municipalities of Calpe and Denia are among the highest tax

Motor vehicles - Exemption due to the age of the vehicle:
Vehicles older than 25 years can be exempted from tax in many municipalities (e.g. in Calpe)
In the village of Muchamiel (near Alicante) about 5,000 vehicles are registered with about 1,000 registered residents.
So about 5 vehicles per capita. This is because many car rental companies have their "business headquarters" in this place because of the cheap car tax and the proximity to Alicante Airport and have registered their vehicles there.

EU - Certificate of Conformity: (or CoC) The EU Certificate of Conformity (CoC) is a document that explains EU standards for motor vehicles and EC type registration.

The certificate is issued by the manufacturer and indicates all the technical details and characteristics of a vehicle

Various CoC examples:

Declaring the vehicle as a moving property:
In the event of a change of residence in Spain, you can be exempted from the registration tax (Impuesto de matriculacion) in which the vehicle is declared as moving goods.


Prerequisites for this are:

  • The vehicle must have been registered in your name for at least 6 months.

  • You must have been registered in your Country for at least 1 year.
  • You must officially unsubscribe from your municipality in UK (de-registration certificate)
  • You must register as a "Resident" in Spain.
  • You must be registered with your municipality in Spain (Volante de Empadronamiento).
  • Original invoice or purchase contract with reported V.A.T.
  • The re-registration must be made within 60 days of registration in Spain (Residencia)!

Registration at the town hall:
(Empadronamiento) To register with your town hall you need:

  • Passport (original and photocopy).
  • Escritura (or rental contract) or last electricity or telephone bill (original and copy).

Many town halls accept registration but only as "residents".


NIE - Number: ( Numero de Identidad de Extranjero)
Spanish tax number for foreigners (residents and non-residents).

A Spanish tax number (NIE) is required for the import or registration of a vehicle in Spain.
Since 2011, the yellow note of "Trafico" is no longer recognized and must be exchanged for the "new" now white note.
You don't know what NEVER sham or if you have a Residencia?

Application for a NIE (no residente) Form EX-15

Application for a Residencia Form EX-18

Authorities on the Costa Blanca where you can apply for the NIE number:

(Only with appointment!!)

Comisaria de Alicante
Calle Campo de Mirra, 6
03005 Alicante
96 512 55 31
Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 14:00

Ausländeramt Altea

Calle San Isidro Labrador, 4
03590 Altea
96 501 92 60
Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 14:00

Comisaria de Benidorm

Calle Apolo XI, 36
03500 Benidorm
96 585 53 08
Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 14:00


Comisaria de Denia
Avda. de Marquesada, 53
03700 Denia
96 642 68 86
Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 14:00


Ayuntamiento (Townhall)
Avda. de Santa Catalina, 2
03725 Teulada
96 574 01 58
Tu. 9:00 - 13:00 Uhr


Comisaria de Torrevieja
Calle Maldonado, 57
03181 Torrevieja
96 570 88 34
Mo. - Fr. 9:00 - 14:00

August 2019 - All data without guarantee

Gandia Tours
Viajes Gandia Tours

Göring Versicherungen seit 1972

Göring insurance, since 1972
Calpe - La Nucia - Javea
902 09 00 39

Mengual Versicherungen

Mengual insurance, Calpe
Telefon: 96 583 15 12
ask for Nina



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